How Save To Win Works
It's easy to participate in Save To Win. Here’s what you need to do:
- Call or stop into your nearest Team One Branch for more information on how to get started!
- Open a 12-month Save To Win share certificate with at least $25. This is your first entry into that month's drawing as well as additional drawings throughout the year.
- Make deposits into your share certificate each month. Every $25 you save, earns you an entry into the drawings, up to 100 prize entries per month.
- Prizes ranging from $25 to $5,000 will be awarded monthly and quarterly.
- See your credit union's official rules for prize eligibility, payout information and other drawing details.
Save To Win rate is 4.20 APY*.
When you Save To Win, you not only get a chance at winning $5,000 each quarter, but you walk away with the deposits you made over the year – plus interest.
A definite win-win situation!
Prize Distributions by Program
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate.
^APY = Annual Percentage Yield.
Rates are subject to change at any time. See Team One for complete details.